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Category Archives: Beauty and Health & Lifestyle

Skin care ingredients that should not be used together.

Did you know that not all skin care products can be use together? Because there are some ingredients and vitamins that should not be use together. When it comes to having flawless, smooth, firm, glowing, and firm skin, many of you must think of using skincare products regularly in

Techniques to store grape so they last longer.

Grape come in bunches and come in both seeded and seedless varieties. The taste of grapes is a sweet and sour fruit that many people like to eat as a snack. There are also many varieties of grapes, such as green grapes, red grapes, black

Natural Hair Spa Recipes for Soft.

Hair Spa: Almost everyone wants to have beautiful, healthy hair. But sometimes our hair has to face various environmental conditions. Whether it is air pollution, exhaust fumes, or even chemicals from hair treatments such as perming, dyeing, or straightening. Using shampoos or conditioners that contain

Why do we “yawn” so often? Is it dangerous?

When you “yawn“, people around you often say that you slept late last night. Haven’t you gotten enough sleep lately? Or if we are sitting and talking and we yawn. You might be told that you’re bored. What is the actual reason our body tells us to yawn? And

8 dangerous symptoms have worms in the stomach

Apart from people who eat a lot but are thin No matter what shape you have. There is also a risk of having parasites in the stomach. Because of unclean eating habits semi-cooked food There is always a risk of having parasites attached. Anyone who is unsure whether they are at risk of

6 negative emotions that guys shouldn’t show

Young men’s emotions are often the cause of unknowingly poisoning relationships. Although determined to take good care of love But some negative emotions are the cause of a unstable marriage. So check out the list with the following 6 negative emotions. Whether you are existing or not So that it

8 ways to suppress anger Reduce hot temper quickly

Suppressing anger and reducing hot emotions It is an important skill for everyone to be able to control their emotions and interact effectively with others. If an event occurs that causes discomfort. Angry at the actions of the other party But I don’t want to show off my

What are the different benefits and harms of each type of “banana”?

Bananas, bananas, bananas, and other types of banana have the same key nutrients, but some things are different. Some people’s health may be more suitable for certain types of bananas. As a consumer We all know that each type of banana each species The taste is similar but different. Some